Mission Statement
George Mason University, Science and Technology Campus Advisory Board is established to promote the interests and welfare of George Mason University with its focus on the Science and Technology Campus.
The Advisory Board will serve three primary roles:
- To provide advice and guidance to advance the University’s mission in the greater Prince William area.
- To identify and promote external partnerships in support of University initiatives. The initiatives include, but are not limited to: scholarships, fellowships, professorships, research, contracts, department support, and related University general support.
- To assist with the cultivation and solicitation of corporations, foundations, and individuals as consistent with the University’s development goals.
Membership Composition
Business Members:
- Business members may be nominated by any member of the Advisory Board, and approved by the majority of the Executive Committee and Director of Operations, George Mason University Science and Technology Campus. Once the business is approved as a member of the Advisory Board then that company will serve indefinitely. The number of members on the board is unlimited and will represent a cross section of the area businesses.
- Each business will identify their primary representative and provide an alternate to represent the company at each quarterly advisory board meeting if the primary representative is unable to attend.
Individual Members:
- Recommendations for single membership may be made by current advisory board members. Once approved by the Executive Committee, Individual members will serve a two-year term. Re-appointments will be made by the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
The first officers were duly elected on February 16, 2000. Election of officers shall be at the last regular meeting of each academic year or at such other times as there may be a vacancy. The officers of the Executive Committee consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary and include appointed Chairs of all standing committees (i.e. Membership, Research).
Executive Committee
Board Membership
Appliance Connection, Inc., represented by Marte Nohe
ATCC, represented by Teri Sellars; Lauren Goddard (alternate)
Aurora Flight Sciences, represented by Sharon “Sherri” Carlson
BAE Systems, represented by Steven Danziger; Lisa Assadzadeh (alternate)
Bass, Sheryl
Bean, Kinney & Korman, PC, represented by Austin Haynes
BerkleyNet, represented by Vincent Israel
Buchanan Partners, represented by Matt Pierce; Peter Blank (alternate)
Burke & Herbert Bank, represented by Gary L. Jones, II
City of Manassas Mayor, represented by Michelle Davis-Younger
City of Manassas Department of Economic Development, represented by Patrick Small
Claude Moore Foundation, represented by William “Bill” Hazel
Dewberry, represented by Jim Bennett
Didlake, represented by Paul Gravley; Joe Pascale (alternate)
Dominion Energy, represented by Yolanda Green; Jeanne Underwood (alternate)
Dulles Glass, represented by Alex Jivotovski
ECU Communications, represented by Jackie Krick; Ken Krick (alternate)
Edwards, Randall, Emeritus Advisor
Employment Enterprises, Inc., represented by Lovey Hammel
Enterprise Database Corporation, represented by Diana Corona
FH Furr Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, represented by Miranda Opiela
I66 Express Mobility Partners, represented by Nancy Smith
Iron Mountain Data Centers, Northern Virginia, represented by Jay Mitchell
John Marshall Bank, represented by Todd Hewitt; Stephanie French (alternate)
Jones, Debbie, Retired CEO, Prince William County Chamber of Commerce
KO Distilling, represented by Bill Karlson
Leadership Prince William, represented by Charles Gilliam
Lockheed Martin, represented by Dennis Coo; Sinclaire Mills (alternate)
Logis-Tech, Inc., represented by James Bounds; Steve Medeiros (alternate)
Manassas City Schools, represented by Dr. Kevin Newman; Trey Davis (alternate)
Manassas Park City Schools, represented by Dr. Melissa Saunders; Lisa Wolf (alternate)
Melwood, represented by Joe Diaz
Micron Technology, represented by Zuzana Steen; Tim O’Brien (alternate)
Norman Realty, Inc., represented by Jay Norman
Nossaman, George
NOVA, Annandale Campus, represented by Provost Diane Mucci
NOVA, Manassas Campus, represented by Provost Molly Lynch
NOVA, Woodbridge Campus, represented by Provost Richmond Hill
Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, PC, represented by David Feldman
Par, Rexford, Emeritus Chairman
Prince William County Board of Supervisors, Brentsville District Supervisor, Tom Gordy
Prince William County Chamber of Commerce, represented by Bob Sweeney
Prince William County Department of Economic Development, represented by Christina Winn
Prince William County Executive, Chris Shorter
Prince William County Public Schools, represented by Denise Huebner; Kenneth Bassett (alternate)
Senate of Virginia, 29th District, Senator Jeremy McPike
Senate of Virginia, 30th District, Senator Danica Roem
Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center, represented by Jeff Joyner; Michele Eckhardt (alternate)
Seraydarian, Richard
Spalding, Erika
United Bank, represented by Drew Brown
UVA Health, represented by Rozlyn Giddens, Ross Snare; (alternate)
Vanderpool, Frostick & Nishanian, PC, represented by Rick Nishanian
VGT/ASSETT, represented by Jim Shannon; Alex Stimpson (alternate)
Virginia House of Delegates, 20th District, Delegate Michelle Maldanado
Wall Agency, represented by Marion Wall
Washington, Bill
Washington Gas, represented by Brandon Todd
Meeting Schedule
2024-2025 Session
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Thursday, June 12, 2025
Donna Tressler
Associate Director of Administration
Advisory Board Liaison
Colby Grant
Director of Administration and Operations
Campus Representative